Indonesian Coastal Zone
This blog provides pictures of the Indonesia Archipelago coastal zone.
About Me
- Name: Wahyu Budi Setyawan
- Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
I'm a researcher of Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences. My activities in the institution have made me come to many parts of Indonesia. Using this blog, I'd like to share with you what I've seen, particularly in the coastal zones.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Java Southern Coast, Pacitan, Watukarung
Kabupaten Pacitan (Pacitan District) is part of Central Java Province, and situated in the middle of southern part of Java island. Physiographically, Pacitan coastal zone is part of Southern Mountain (Pegunungan Seribu) region that composed of reef limestones. The coastal zone face to Indian Ocean and has rugged character plan shape. There are many alternation of headlands and bays or pocket beaches as shown in Photo 1.

Photo 1. The coast of Watukarung, Pacitan, Central Java that show stack and headland of reef limestones, and sandy beach of carbonate sand. The coast has coastal platform, and high of berm surface from mean sea level is about 2 meters. There are notch at the lower part of the stack and headland. Photo: from Author, Januari 2006.