Indonesian Coastal Zone

This blog provides pictures of the Indonesia Archipelago coastal zone.

My Photo
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

I'm a researcher of Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Sciences. My activities in the institution have made me come to many parts of Indonesia. Using this blog, I'd like to share with you what I've seen, particularly in the coastal zones.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

North Coast of Banten 1, Tanjung Pontang - Lontar: erosional coastline

Banten Province is situated at wetern part of Java Island. Formerly, the province was part of West Java Province. The following photographs took in 2003 at Lontar area (Figure 1). The Tanjung Lontar - Tanjung Pontang coast is erosional. Before 1925, the coast was depositional. Since 1925, Pamarayan Dam has effectively stoped sediment supply to the coastal water that turned the coast to be erosional (Photo 1-3).

Figure 1. Site map of Tanjung Pontang (west) - Tanjung Kait (east). Large black number indicates relative location the photos. Laut = sea, tanjung = cape, pulau = island.

Photo 1. Face to east toward Lontar village. Erosional coast with erosional platform of stiff mud.

Photo 2. Face to west. Eroded mangrove coast at Lontar.

Photo 3. "Net" of mangroves roots that have lost their substrate.

There are only uncontinuous narrow strip of mangrove along the coast. The villagers have developed ponds extensively at coastal plain and left only about 10 meters mangrove along the coast (Photo 4). At many parts of the coast, the mangroves was eroded away and the ponds as well (Photo 5).

Photo 4. Face to east. Narrow mangrove strip near Tanjung Pontang. Sea wave have eroded away some part of the mangrove and the ponds embankment as well.

Photo 5. Face to west. Eroded ponds that cause zigzagged coastline.




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